Wednesday, November 24, 2010

7-Steps towards Health and Beauty

Steps towards Health and Beauty

Steps towards Health and Beauty
Health and Beauty are very close in relation to our body. You have to understand first, what your body wants. If you can fulfill the requirements of your body, you will be able to get a good health and beauty. There are some important tips that everyone should know, and if somebody knows those tips, it will be easy for him to acquire good health and Beauty.
    * You must take enough water everyday. If you don’t drink enough water, it will lead you to fatigue and false hunger. If you drink enough water, you will find a health and beauty diet and good energy level.
    * Sleep at least 6 hour everyday. If you don’t sleep, your body will not work efficiently in working time.
    * Everyday, stretch before sleep. Stretching keeps muscle and joint fit. By stretching, the chances of getting injury become less.
    *  Don’t feel stressed. Stress has many negative effects in our body and mind. It leads to overeating, is disturbs the ordinary functions of organs, it causes skin blemishes and acne and many more. Without stress, you will be more healthy and beautiful.
    * Stay away from alcohol, it causes several diseases. It causes failure of kidneys and valve. It is the best option to lead a healthy life.
    * You should exercise a little everyday. Exercise keeps your body health and Beauty You need to engage in both strength and cardiovascular workouts and make sure to move every muscle group.                                      
    * Stop smoking. Smoking is the worst thing for anyone’s health and fitness level. It damages the whole body slowly, turns your teeth into yellow or black, damage tour voice chord. It causes cancer many times.
    * Always wash your clothes before wear them. It may contain the dust and germs of last time. If your cloth is new, then also wash them, because you never know weather the garments washed it or it still contains chemicals.
    * Avoid using perfume and body spray as much as possible. It may contain toxins that are harmful for you.
    * Many a times, the best beauty products you may find in your kitchen. It may have some fruits and vegetables which are often used as the ingredients of many beauty products.
    * Our body is one unit. If you use any product in the outer part of your body, you may think that it will not effect inside of your body. It is false. Therefore which you are not using to put in your body, please don’t put that on to your body.
·        Many of us have got various types of products that promise to us to make us healthy and beautiful. Find products with a least number of ingredients. Single ingredients products like coconut oil are excellent.
·        You may spend many times in order to discussing about traveling, car or bike mileage, movie etc. Why don’t you spend some time researching the products you put in and on your body? It will be very useful.                
At last, I will say that you can control your health and beauty more than anyone. You must take care of it. You may take suggestions from your elders. Many of them may know the secret of anything special for your health and beauty, which can be helpful for you.

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