Wednesday, November 24, 2010

12-Health and Beauty 01

Who is beautiful?

Perfect y health and beaut is a desire and wish for all of us. What is a beautiful face? Who is beautiful? "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" as the proverb says - so you can meet a beautiful face everywhere everyday. An "experienced" face can be fantastic, beautiful and interesting.There is a place on this earth where you can be surrounded by nice looking people. The people of Tahiti and the French Polynesia are renowned for their health and beauty physical beauty.
why?These are my thoughts:Maybe it is their access to clean air, water and of course their knowledge and long tradition of using plants and flowers to give their bodies natural health therapy.The volcanic soil contains a lot of minerals which is also important.My Mind's Picture of the IslandsI have not been to the Tahitian Islands yet but I often see those wonderful pictures of the beautiful country-clear blue waters and peaceful lagoons,mountains in the background and beaches with relaxed people and boats ahead, lots of flowers of all kinds and colors all surrounded by fresh green luxuriance.My closest encounter with the lovely Islands is performance by a group of Tahitian dancers, singers and musicians that I had the oportunity to see for a couple of days.The sound of the drums and ukulele make stress fly away and your heart smiles.There is no need for electrical instruments and studios. The sound opens a connection directly to your body and mind, makes you relaxed and stimulated at the same time.The rythem together with the lyrics pictures the ocean, the wind and the sun playing around in perfect harmony.Just like the harmony created by the music, the dancing and body movements are also perfectly blended.The arms seem to imitate the wind or a slow wave. The hips? whow! they move as fast as leafs in a strong wind. They swing, swing and swing for a long time effortlessly.For me and most people - it is the opposite.Being caressed with these sensitive and beautiful movements the body feels good and gets perfectly exercised far from a sweating gym session.It is a lovely sight to see children of 5 to 10 years already using these skills.The Noni-treeHere in Tahiti grows Nonitree, a plant the people have used for generations over thousands of years. It's importance lies in the various areas that it has helped them. They use almost every part of the tree. Mostly the fruits, seeds and leafs. It has become their medication Resource and Skincare base.Here are some more examples of what they use:The sugar from sugarcane is used as a scrub. Add some Tahitian vanilla and you not only get a smooth and shiny skin - you also get a lovely feeling while taking away your dry skin. The Tiareflower and noniseed-oil can be ingredients to help very dry skin. Noni-oil is a perfect antioxidant and is used as a base for different oils.Over time the people here have an assemblage of nuts and seeds and use their oil for skincare. For example: Macadamia-nuts, kukui-nuts, Moringa and Noniseed.The volcanicsand is used to make mask for the face. This will make the skin soft.With the knowledge of the ocean flora they find a lot of ingredients to use, Algae, Seegras and Kelp give vitamins. In this area you will also find the exclusive black pearls which are the main export article of Tahiti.When they dive down to search for these black pearls they usually treat the skin with different oily ingredients so the skin doesn't dry out.This seems to be the reason the people of Tahiti live health and beauty. They have the clean air,water and soil, they use what nature offers them and have the knowledge to use them well. They move and sing beautifuly from the heart.The whole environment is beautiful. Living close to nature makes the beauty in the people mirror the beautiful IslandsI hope you have gotten a Tahitian feeling and beauty.

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