Wednesday, November 24, 2010

4-Herbal Slimming Tea is Good For Health and Beauty

Herbal Slimming Tea is Good For Health and Beauty

Recently, I've tried to make a commitment only to drink healthy drinks, which is when I discovered herbal slimming tea. I don't like diets or complex plans, so I thought that something simple I could do was just to always make sure that when I drink a liquid, it's something that's healthy, even if it's just some lemon juice with water.  In modern society, liquids are really the key to personal health and Beauty.  If all a person does is simply to be intentional about drinking health drinks instead of unhealthy ones, they'll see a vast difference in their personal health.  Herbal slimming teas,like herbal detox teas, are amazing, because they both sooth as well as promote health and wellness in the body

How Herbal Slimming Tea Works
Herbal slimming tea works primarily because it detoxifies the body, which I have just written extensively about in another hub. A lot of the herbal slimming teas out on the market will contain things like cranberry and other substances known to clean out the system. The natural result of detoxifying the body is to make it run more efficiently, thereby causing natura weight loss. The reason why they call them slimming tea is because it sounds more appealing to the average person thandetoxifying does.

Chinese Slimming Tea

Many people prefer Chinese slimming tea for a variety of reasons. Chinese tea is made in a different fashion than the teas that come in single serve bags. And because of the long tradition of excellence of Chinese herbs and teas, many people prefer them, not only for the slimming benefits, but also to promote general health and wellness. Chinese slimming te  have been scientifically shown to stimulate metabolism, thereby causing calories to burn faster within the body. Beyond that, as in other slimming teas, they help detoxify the body of harmful toxins.
Beauty Slimming Tea
Many herbal slimming teas and Chinese slimming teas have also been referred to as beauty and beauty slimming teas. This is due to the detoxifying effect that slimming teas have on the body. One of the body's main ways to rid itself of harmful toxins i  through the skin. The body stores toxins in the skin, waiting for expulsion through sweat. When the person sweats,the toxins are released. When a person detoxes in other ways, like through drinking herbal slimming teas, the skin is thereby cleared and a natural, healthy glow often returns. That's why people often love Chinese detox teas, because the  not only promote general health and beauty wellness, but also beauty.  Another healthy drink for the skin is an ounce of applecider vinegar mixed in a cup of water with some honey.  Though not a tea, it's often lumped together with beauty slimming teas because of its positive effects on the skin.
Homemade Herbal Slimming Tea

As with anything, freshness is best. Many people prefer to steep their own herbs in water in order to make their own blends and modify existing ones. One thing that's a very good idea for people who are just starting out in slimming teas is to simply take your favorite loose leaf tea, and add a slimming herb to it, thereby preserving the original flavor of the te  you love, but enhancing it a bit with a healthy and beauty detoxifying, slimming herb. Some things you can add to loose leaf teas are:

    * Chicory
    * Sage
    * Cumin
    * Green Teas
    * Ginseng

These things can be found at your local grocery store and whole foods stores. If you want to give your regular tea a boost  try adding a bit of the above herbs for the extra effect.  Many traditional teas are expensive.  They have a lot of great compounds, but often you can recreate them yourself, just by adding a few crushed up herbs into your regular tea.  If you'r  looking for herbal slimming tea without wanting to spend a lot of money, try crushing up some of the above herbs into you  regular tea.

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