Wednesday, November 24, 2010

16-Coffee and Your Health and beauty

Coffee and Your Health and Beauty
I love coffee. There have been times in my life where that was all I would drink. I like it just as hot as I can stand it. I like cream and sugar in mine. I've heard that if you don't drink it black, you're just drinking it for the cream and sugar.For me, I have to agree. I love cream and sugar with a coffee flavor. :-)Some will say that coffee is good for you. I have to disagree, strongly. Coffee has more than 40 toxic chemicals added.
It is highly acid and aids in joint inflammation as well as many other inflammatory diseases. Unless you are supplementing with large amounts of ionized, absorbable calcium, you should limit your coffee consumption to no more than one cup per day.Coffee has been a main staple for me when I'm dieting. I can have coffee for breakfast, lunch, snack and even dinner if Iwant to lose weight fast. I won't even eat, just drink coffee. Boy, does it work and fast. I used to love crash dieting this way. Mind you, I may not have been fit to be lived with, (my poor husband) but, I lost weight. That was the goal at any cost. I'm lucky it didn't cost me my marriage. :-)Well, I recently heard some bad news about what all this coffee consumption is doing to me. I decided to get involved with a network marketing company that, well their main products were nutritional items. I've always taken vitamins, but these were different. They are higher quality than most super market ones, so therefore they absorb easily.Something included with this company is Natural Health Training. So, I've been going to learn about natural health and beauty. I'm in  my early forties and need to start taking better care of myself. So, I go and I learn. What I am learning about coffee consumption is horrifying. Coffee turns your alkaline body acid, in a hurry. Your body has a pH balance, like anything liquid. Your bodily fluids do as well. The human body should optimally have a
pH of 6.8 to 7.2. You can buy pH testing papers at any pet store in the fish area. You can also get them from a pool place. What are your numbers? Most of us are about a 6 to a 6.2 and this is not good. This means that we are in a constant acid, inflammation forming state. What happens to the human body that is in this state? Over time, health and beauty problems start. Almost  every disease you know of starts with inflammation. Here is a small list of diseases that occur from being in this constant acid state.
    1. arthritis
   2. fibromyalgia
   3. Alzheimer's disease
   4. angina
   5. arteriosclerosis
   6. headaches
   7. bleeding gums
   8. bone spurs (calcium deposits)
   9. cancer
  10. chronic fatigue syndrome
  11. diabetes
  12. eczema
  13. joint pain
  14. muscle cramps
  15. gall stones
  16. gout
  17. heart disease
  18. heart palpitations
  19. Hiatal hernias
  20. high cholesterol
  21. hypertension (high blood pressure)
  22. indigestion
  23. insomnia
  24. kidney stones
  25. osteoporosis
And the list goes on... in fact it is believed that there are over 200 degenerative diseases and medical conditions that are related to our bodies being in this acid, inflamation forming state.
So, what is the answer to this problem?The best thing you can do is to learn what makes you acid. I am going to give you a short list here. These are acid forming
 foods and drinks.

   1. meat
   2. dairy
   3. coffee (huge problem)
   4. tea (herbal OK)
   5. soda
   6. sugary drinks
   7. sugar
   8. starchy food such as pasta, bread, crackers, chips
These are a few acid forming foods. I'm certainly not saying you have to give all these up. You should just be conscience of the effects they have on your body. Now a list of alkaline forming foods and drinks.

   1. herbal tea
   2. fruits
   3. veggies
   4. legumes
   5. nuts (except peanuts)
   6. honey
   7. agave syrup
   8. filtered water

Your diet should consist of mostly these foods. Most of us eat from the first list 80% of the time. If we can turn that around, our bodies would be happier and healthier. What can you do to help alkalize your body, especially if you don't want to drastically change your diet? Add calcium. Now, I have to tell you that not just any calcium will make a difference. If you are taking a cheap over the counter pill,
 you are not even getting enough to bother taking it at all. You are wasting your money and your time. You are flushing it.  If you are taking a high quality pill, you are doing a bit better, not much. It still has fillers and binders to hold it  together. You may absorb 30% calcium. If you are taking it in liquid form, this is better. You don't have to digest a pill and it is more easily absorbed. The best form for calcium is called Isotonic. Isotonic means "same pressure". This means  that it is the same pressure as all you bodily fluids so you get maximum absorption. There is no digestion needed. It passes  right through your stomach into your small intestine within 5 minutes and is instantly absorbed. There are a few places where you can look into high grades of calcium.  If you decide that this might be helpful for you, please visit my web site and see if this would be something you would like to purchase to get you started on a path to optimal health. Natural Beauty Tips 4 U Also, have you heard about DNA  testing for nutrition? Check it out!! The future of nutrition is here. Get your customized nutritional needs met by having  your DNA tested and your specific supplements sent to you based on your needs. No more guessing!!! The above web site gives  much more information on this. I believe 100% that if you learn what your body need, it can heal itself and maintain that health and beauty well into old age. I did a test on myself. After drinking coffee, regular and/or decaf, for many months, my knee joints hurt, my hip joints hurt, my neck muscles hurt, a lot, most of the time. I tried back massages. I took pain killer. It helped temporarily. Then it came back. Granted,  I exercise a lot, but I don't over do it. So, I tried something. I gave up coffee and black tea. It has now been a month and I do not have knee or hip
all. My neck still bothers me if I ride my bicycle too long, but not as badly and not as long. I have not taken pain killer for any kind, for these issues, for 2 weeks. I have not changed anything else in my diet. I am convinced that the coffee/blac k tea was making my body acid and causing inflammation in my joints. Are you having joint pain? How about muscle stiffness? How much coffee/black tea do you drink everyday? You might want to consider trying what I did and stop drinking it for a month and see if your joints and muscles feel better. If, after a  month they don't, well I guess what worked for me, doesn't work for everyone. But, you won't know unless you give it a try. health and beauty.

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